This page should be helpful if you are looking for advice and information. We will add more links and contact information, so you can check back here regularly.
National information
- Coronavirus – what it means for you – really helpful information, regularly updated by Citizens Advice. Includes benefit information, rights at work, sick pay and lots of other helpful links.
- COVID-19 resources in your language – guidance and support in community languages.
- NHS – regularly updated information about Coronavirus, including symptoms, testing, vaccination and self-isolation.
- Government response to Coronavirus – the very latest information and advice from the government website.
- Coronavirus and your wellbeing – help and advice from MIND if you are worried or anxious about coronavirus and some tips on staying well.
Debt and benefits advice
- Money Helper – a new resource from the Money Advice Service, Pensions Advisory Service and Pension Wise. It offers impartial guidance that’s backed by government and can also recommend further, trusted support if you need it. Includes details of national helplines and how to find local free debt advice services.
- Benefits advice – all the information you need about benefits. You can also search the whole of Citizens Advice website from this page.
- Universal Credit Help to Claim Service – provided by Citizens Advice. Telephone 0800 1448 444 (8am to 6pm Monday to Friday)
Local advice and information
- Citizens Advice Coventry – General advice by phone on 03444 111 444 or go to
- Central England Law Centre – provide specialist legal advice to people in need. Phone 02476 223 053 (10.00am – 3.00pm Monday to Friday)
- Coventry City Council are providing regular updates on all affected services
- Coventry Haven – offer support for people subjected to domestic violence and abuse. Are you worried about someone or about yourself? Phone 0800 111 4998 or email They also have a live chat feature on their website.
- Coventry Refugee and Migrant Centre – offers help for asylum seekers, refugees and other migrants in Coventry. Get in touch by emailing
- Crisis Skylight – help for people who are homeless or at risk of homelessness. Phone 0247 708 7400 or email
- Foodbanks – providing emergency food for people in need across Coventry.
- Homelessness Prevention Team – Contact the City Council on 024 7683 4025 (out of hours 024 7683 2222)
- Safe To Talk – domestic abuse support website maintained by Coventry City Council